Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mountain Man Preparation



Breakfast at Osborns - Pancakes

Lunch - Lunch meat sandwiches and chips (lunchmeat, bread, mayo, mustard)

Dinner - BBQ Chicken and baby carrots (bbq sauce, onion, chicken wings & drumsticks, carrots)


Breakfast - Breakfast Burritos (tortillas, onion, eggs, sausage, cheese)

Lunch - Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches, chips, apples, bananas and oranges

Dinner - Steak Shishkabobs (onion, peppers, squash, canned pineapple, sticks, seasonings)


Breakfast - cold cereal and oatmeal (milk)

Lunch - Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches

Food Assignments:

2 bags of chips (Aaron)

2 bags of chips (Nathan)

1 box cereal (Jacob)

1 box cereal (Justin)


2 rolls Aluminum Foil

Box oatmeal

Lunch meat for 14 sandwiches

Bread for 42 sandwiches (84 slices)

Large peanut butter

Apples and Bananas

1 large Jelly

mayo, mustard packets

3 large honey bbq sauce

2 bags frozen chicken

3 onions

Brother Carroll:

2 Ice blocks

30 eggs

Shishkabob stuff


2 bags Tortillas

1 small bag cheese

Breakfast sausage

******Young men bring additional snacks and treats as desired. No mooching aloud. :) ******

Service Project Friday at 4pm

E – Trailer Unloading

Supplies to Bring: Work gloves for all boys, drinking water bottles.

Project Description: Teams report to Lower Meadow on south end of camp. Unload brush in trailer into fire pit. In between loads, scour Lower Meadow for loose rocks bigger than fist size. Pile rocks in large piles by roadway. Do not block road for traffic.